Privacy Policy

At, which includes all affiliates and subsidiaries (referred to as "," "we," or "us"), we are deeply committed to safeguarding your privacy. Our primary aim is to provide you with a seamless experience on our website, ("Website"), while ensuring the utmost security of your Personal Information.


We highly value your privacy. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy to understand what information we might collect from you, how we utilize and protect this information. By accessing our Website, you acknowledge and consent to the practices, terms, and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy.


Covered Information


Personal Information: This refers to any data that can directly or indirectly identify an individual, whether in isolation or when combined with other information. Examples of Personal Information include names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, ID numbers, and location data.


Aggregated Information: Information may be aggregated or anonymized. Aggregated information is combined with data from other users and customers. Aggregated information that includes Personal Information is treated as Personal Information until it's anonymized.


Anonymized Information: When information is anonymized, it can no longer be linked to a specific individual without additional data. For instance, information like how many users viewed a particular website video or advertisement cannot be used to identify you. Typically, usage data collected during your Website visits is both aggregated and anonymized, ensuring it doesn't personally identify you.


Children's Personal Information: The Website is not intended for children under the age of 16 (or the equivalent minimum age in your jurisdiction). If we discover that we've unintentionally collected Personal Information from a child under 16, we will promptly delete such data. If you believe we may have collected information from or about a child under 16, please contact us at


Information Collection


Your account information and customer support: When you complete forms, register an account, or correspond with us via phone, email, or social media, you may provide us with Personal Information. This may include data you share during the registration process, coupon applications, warranty extensions, product registrations, subscription services, order placements, participation in forums or social media functions, campaign entries, or reporting issues. Personal Information you provide may include your name, address, email address, phone number, and other contact information. Please note that for securely processing your payment information, we may employ third-party payment processors like PayPal, who encrypt and handle your credit card information directly. We do not store your credit card information and are not responsible for PayPal's data collection or use. You can review PayPal's privacy policy for more details.


Device and Technical Information: We automatically collect information when you visit our Website, including:


Technical information: This includes your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, version, time zone settings, browser plug-ins, operating system, platform, and language preferences. Your web browser typically provides this information.

Information about your visit: This encompasses the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) clickstream, products you viewed or searched for, page response times, download errors, length of visits on certain pages, videos watched, page interaction data (e.g., scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to leave the page.

Device and Technical Information (Cookies): Cookies are small text files sent to or accessed from your web browser or computer's hard drive. They usually contain the originating domain, the cookie's "lifetime" (i.e., expiration date), and a randomly generated unique number or identifier. Cookies may also store information about your computer, such as user settings, browsing history, and activities while using the services. Our Website uses the following types of cookies:


Strictly necessary cookies: These are essential for Website operation, enabling functions like registration and login.

Analytical/performance cookies: These allow us to count visitors and understand how they navigate the Website, helping us enhance it.

Functionality cookies: These recognize you upon return to the Website.

In addition, we may use analytics services like Google Analytics to collect other information. Most analytics services do not identify individual users and often offer opt-out options. To learn more about Google Analytics practices and opt-out options, visit


Information from other sources: We collaborate with third parties offering services such as business partners, technical subcontractors, payment and delivery services, advertising networks, analytics providers, and credit reference agencies. We may receive information about you from these sources.

How We Utilize Information

We employ the collected information for various purposes, ensuring they align with the reasons for which you provided the data or related purposes. These include:


Creating an account for you on the Website.

Facilitating your product purchase or download.

Authenticating your account use, product purchases, or downloads.

Registering your product in our database.

Fulfilling contractual obligations between you and us.

Providing customer support.

Managing customer promotions and surveys.

Offering requested products.

Delivering information about product features, bug fixes, service downtimes, or upgrades.

Assisting in new product development and improvement.

Providing information about goods or services that may interest you, with your opt-in consent.

Notifying you about changes to the Website, Products, terms, conditions, and policies.

Administering the Website and Products for internal operational purposes.

Improving the Website and content presentation.

Ensuring Website security.

Monitoring and regulating interactive Website features, including online forums and chat rooms.

Assisting you in Website navigation.

Facilitating access to product features and monitoring home and network safety.

Providing information and recommendations about home internet and utility usage.

Assessing advertising effectiveness and delivering personalized ads.

Determining the most useful Website and product aspects.

We process your Personal Information for product or service provision due to contractual obligations, our legitimate interests in offering products and services, maintaining the customer relationship, and safeguarding our business. If you choose not to provide necessary Personal Information, we may be unable to provide the product or service. We also use your Personal Information to protect our business against fraud and to comply with legal requirements.


Information Sharing

We never rent or sell your Personal Information to third parties for marketing purposes without your explicit consent. We share Personal Information in the following ways:


Within for data processing or storage purposes.

With's subsidiaries, affiliates, and divisions for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.

With business partners, service vendors, authorized third-party agents, or contractors to fulfill services or transactions, like processing orders, hosting websites, storing information, sending email communications, and providing customer support. We share only the minimum Personal Information required for the intended service or transaction.

With service providers, advisors, or third parties to the extent necessary for mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales. In such cases, Personal Information would transfer to the successor entity.

To comply with the law, legal processes, government reporting requirements, and protection of legal rights.

To protect our legal rights and investigate violations, misuse, or potential threats to personal safety.

We also share aggregated, anonymized information for various purposes, ensuring it cannot be traced back to you.


Any third parties receiving your Personal Information are required to maintain the confidentiality of the information and are prohibited from using it for any other purpose. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that these third parties adhere to the same privacy principles that govern our collection of your Personal Information. We will seek your consent, such as via email response, opt-in notices, or click-through agreement acceptance, before using or sharing your Personal Information for any other purpose.



You have the right to opt out of processing your Personal Information for marketing purposes. We will inform you in advance, before collecting your Personal Information, if we intend to use it for marketing purposes or disclose it to any third party for marketing purposes. You have the option to opt out later if you change your mind. You can opt out by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in our marketing emails. Please note that this opt-in/opt-out choice does not apply to mandatory website, service, or software communications like updates, downtime information, order or shipping confirmations, which are part of our contractual obligation with you. If you wish to stop receiving direct marketing material from us or a third party, aside from using the "Unsubscribe" link in marketing emails, you can send an email request to


Data Storage

The data we collect from you may be transferred to and stored in various global locations, including the United States. It may also be processed by staff or contractors operating outside your country of residence (including the EEA if you are in Europe) who work for us or our suppliers. We use cloud-based applications and services to store and process your Personal Information, which may result in your data being stored outside your country of residence.


We take reasonable steps to ensure that we and our service providers adhere to the privacy principles governing the collection of your Personal Information, treating it securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws. By providing your Personal Information to us, you acknowledge that may transfer, process, and store Personal Information outside your country of residence.


Our Privacy Policy and practices are designed to maintain a globally consistent level of protection for Personal Information worldwide. This means we handle your information as described in this Privacy Policy and in compliance with all applicable laws. We may also engage in EU standard contractual clauses (or equivalent measures) with parties outside the EEA, where necessary.


Accessing and Updating Your Personal Information

We rely on your assistance to keep your Personal Information accurate and up-to-date. If your Personal Information changes, please inform us. You can access and update your Personal Information and communication preferences through the following methods:


Click the "Unsubscribe" link in any email from us.

Send an email to, including your name, email address, and specific information you want to change or no longer wish to receive.

For the Website, sign in to your online account using the URL provided during the website signup.

We will honor your requests to correct inaccurate or incomplete data, transfer your data to a third party, delete your data (unless required by law or for legal reasons), or provide a copy of your current Personal Information. If you reside outside the EEA, we may charge a reasonable fee for accessing backed-up or archived records.


If you are in the EEA, you also have the right to:


Withdraw your consent for processing your Personal Information at any time, including opting out of receiving marketing materials.

Restrict the processing of your Personal Information when you believe the data is inaccurate, processed unlawfully, or no longer needed.

Object to processing if our legal justification for processing your Personal Information is our legitimate interest, and you have grounds based on your specific situation. We will comply with your request unless we have compelling legitimate reasons for processing that override your interests and rights.

You can request to exercise any of these rights regarding your Personal Information by sending an email request to We will respond promptly to your request, within one month if you are in the EEA, or inform you if additional time is required and provide the reason for the delay. We may request identity verification before acting on your request. If your Personal Information has been shared with a third party according to this Privacy Policy, we will take reasonable steps to inform the third party of any updated information you provide.


If you are in the EEA and believe we haven't complied with applicable data protection laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority. Find contact details for EEA data protection authorities here.


Retention of Personal Information

We will retain your Personal Information only for the purposes it was collected, as required for legitimate business purposes as described in this Privacy Policy, or as permitted by law. When we no longer need your Personal Information, we will remove it from our systems and records, or take steps to anonymize it so that it cannot be linked to you.


The appropriate retention period for your Personal Information is determined based on factors like the nature, amount, and sensitivity of the data, the potential risk from unauthorized use or disclosure, the purposes for which we process your data, and the applicable legal requirements.



We employ administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the information collected on the Website. However, please note that the transmission of data over the Internet is not 100% secure.


It's important to be aware that if you use a computer or device accessible by others, they may access unencrypted Personal Information. Exercise caution when using public computers or devices, or those accessible by unauthorized users.


We recommend taking precautions to protect your Personal Information online. This includes changing passwords regularly, using a combination of letters and numbers for passwords, and ensuring the use of a secure browser. Also, be cautious when naming Wi-Fi-enabled devices, home networks, or services, as such "friendly names" may be detectable by others outside your home.


Third-Party and Social Media Links

Our Website and online services may contain links to websites or online services operated by third parties. Once you leave our Website, your activities are governed by the terms of use and privacy policies of the third-party websites and online services. is not responsible for the privacy practices or content on these external websites and services. We encourage you to carefully read the terms of use and privacy policies of any website or online service you visit.


The Website may feature social media elements, such as Facebook "Like" buttons. These features may collect your device's IP address, set cookies to enable interaction with social media features, or link you to a social media website where you may post Personal Information. All interactions with social media features are subject to the privacy policy of the social media company providing the feature.


Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically, so please check it regularly. If we make changes, we will post the revised version here, along with an updated revision date.


Contact Us

If you have privacy-related questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at


For complaints or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the email address provided above. We take all complaints about privacy laws seriously, and someone from will investigate your complaint and respond within a reasonable time.